Running into your Best Friend at the Gym (Revised)

Running into your Best Friend at the Gym (Revision)

W&L Creative Writing


Sweat weeps

between us

in a stirring room.

I meant to do


but sit with you.

I meant to be mad

or upset or something

at you.

Something should have

at least gone wrong.

Nothing did.

I meant to keep your hair dry

before bed

and call

until your phone’s dead.

But one day I just stopped.

I meant to make that 

day just one day.

But I didn’t.

And the next day I said

tomorrow I’ll dry your hair.

I knew you could never

do it on your own.

But I didn’t.

I meant to tell you 

that my jewelry feels 


and my water is 


and my art is


Because you’re the 

only one who can 

fix it.

I meant to never go 

to the gym.

But today I went,

even though we swore we never would.

But you went today, too.

Why were you there?

I meant to make 

a joke

about it.

But I just said

how are you!

And your smile

was curved

and too tight.

I meant to smile

like that time 

you called me

when my dog died

and it was okay 


But I didn’t.

And we both jogged.

In this revision, my biggest goal was to make the situation more clear while maintaining some of the confusion and curiosity that the class enjoyed. I added the swecond stanza to clarify that this poem is simply about growing apart; I think the fact that people grow apart for no reason is more compelling and upsetting than when people do because something went wrong in the relationship. The class agreed the poem would be more powerful if it was shorter, so I took out the stanzas that were weakest and seemed to stick out because the structure was different. I debated clarifying the ‘phone dead, hair dry’ stanza and tried out a few different versions, but overall, the class said that they were intrigued by the vagueness so I left it. I took out the last line, “I meant to sit,” because it didn’t have the effect that I had hoped (tying the ending back to the beginning). I also switched some wordings and line breaks to make it flow better.

Lauren Newton Art

I am an artist, writer, and successful business owner that brings creative solutions to strategy roles. Having sold over 650 commissions, from photorealist portraits to abstract designs, I have a track record of combining artistic expression with business acumen. I bring high communication skills and attention to detail to the table and thrive managing multiple deadlines.

End of An Era July 2 (12:02 am)


Sideroad Superstition