How I Stop the Ringing

How I Stop the Ringing

Lauren Newton 

July 30, 2021

Guess you can call me O.C.D,

Cuz these files



Pick a tab, choose a hit

No headphones in my head, now theres a

Mu sic.




World out either way, focus or disintegrate. (,) . (inisingrate)*


It’s times like these, when i wish that i could be, alone forever, without company.

Maybe he’s scared of me, but I’m more afraid - my attention span’s low - can he hold me in my place?

Big dreams, big city, the lights are in my eyes, howcome skylights shine brighter than his






It’s hard to place the feeling, even when I’m on a roll, which makes me pause n’ wonder,

Am I feeling it at all?

The fan, movin slowly, 

Can entertain me.

What does that bout the

State in he found


Can I be happy, when someone, loves me more than me?

Maybe they love the idea of Lauren.

Virtual Reality.

I don’t know if I can be alone with anyone but me,

So I just gotta beg, for constant


“Replaced: 6/30”

Even the filter’s mocking me. 

Lauren Newton Art

I am an artist, writer, and successful business owner that brings creative solutions to strategy roles. Having sold over 650 commissions, from photorealist portraits to abstract designs, I have a track record of combining artistic expression with business acumen. I bring high communication skills and attention to detail to the table and thrive managing multiple deadlines.

Independence Day


On the Brink